Mwanga Hakika Bank Limited

Mwanga Hakika Bank Limited (MHB) came in into existence in 2020 as a result of merging three entities of Mwanga Community Bank Limited, Hakika Microfinance Bank Limited and EFC Tanzania Microfinance Bank.

About Company

Mwanga Hakika Bank Limited (MHB) came in into existence in 2020 as a result of merging three entities of Mwanga Community Bank Limited, Hakika Microfinance Bank Limited and EFC Tanzania Microfinance Bank. The bank offers financial service to Individuals, Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME), as well as Corporate Clients.

Mwanga Hakika Bank Limited (MHB) has been formed by the successful merger of three different banks i.e EFC Tanzania Microfinance Bank (EFC), Hakika Microfinance Bank (Hakika), and Mwanga Community Bank (MCB).

After the merger, MHB operations have increased manifold as the bank is now a mid-size emerging bank in Tanzania with a promising future.

MHB recently offers tailor-made solutions to its valued customers.

The customer base of MHB consists of small, medium, and corporate customers who are spread in various parts of the country